Rosenblatt Prize Nominations

Recognize your fellow scholars

To honor their parents, Nathan and Tillie Rosenblatt, Joseph and Morris Rosenblatt and their wives in 1983 established the Rosenblatt Prize for Excellence at the University of Utah. The prize’s purpose is

" honor excellence in teaching, in research and in administrative efforts collectively
or individually, in behalf of the University."

The prize is announced and presented annually at the University of Utah’s May commencement. The prize is particularly suited for faculty who are nationally recognized scholars with demonstrated excellence in teaching, research, service and/or administration. The generosity of the donors makes this prize one of the most remarkable to be awarded in higher education.

The Rosenblatt Prize Committee invites nominations from University of Utah faculty. The President of the University of Utah, based on the committee’s recommendations, selects the recipient.

Nomination materials should include:

  1. a letter of nomination with supporting discussion indicating the candidate’s accomplishments;
  2. a current curriculum vitae
  3. a minimum of five but no more than ten letters of reference, a majority should be from referees external to the University and;
  4. a brief description of the referees’ qualifications and relationship to the nominee.

For 2022, previous nominations made during and since 2019 will be carried forward. Also invited are re-nominations with additional information about the nominee.

Please send nominations and letters of support to:

Dave Kieda, Committee Member
2021 Rosenblatt Prize Committee
The Graduate School
University of Utah
201 South Presidents Circle
Room 302 Park
Salt Lake City, UT 84112-9016

Nomination deadline: Friday, February 18, 2022

Univeristy of Utah